React.js AustinJS Sept 2015 Presentation
Here are the slides from the React.js talk that I gave at AustinJS in September 2015. Most of the presentation was me “live coding” an inline-edit component. That source code is here.
...Tim Tyrrell is an engineering leader living in Louisville, CO
Here are the slides from the React.js talk that I gave at AustinJS in September 2015. Most of the presentation was me “live coding” an inline-edit component. That source code is here.
...I wrote a little React.js inline-editor example and as far as I can tell this is the easiest spot to show an example:
Code on Github: Here
Here is a talk that I gave interally at WellMatch during an Architectual Forum meeting. In it I explain how Flux with React.js makes a much more maintainable and supportable client-side pattern:
Here is a “lightning talk” on React.js that I gave at Austin on Rails in February of 2015. Sadly, there was way more content than the time allowed, but here they are:
A talk that I gave in 2013:
A talk that I gave in 2013:
A talk that I gave in 2012:
A talk that I gave in 2012 at a few places and even have a video: Confreaks Video
Otherwise just check out the slides: